About MHTMA Membership
Who can join MHTMA?
Membership of MHTMA is available to appointed members of the Mental Health Tribunal (MHT) in England. Affiliate membership is open to all members of MHTs in parts of the UK and Channel Islands other than England without voting rights. Retired Members of the MHT can become lifetime Associate Members of MHTMA without voting rights.
Why join MHTMA?
Membership of MHTMA means that you can... • Add your voice to our independent collective voice to bring common concerns to the attention of the MHT Administration and Judiciary • Take part in our work to make the MHT service more effective and efficient for patients detained under the Mental Health Act • Use the members' area of this website to keep up to date with news and events relating to the service • Take part in on-line conversations on MHT related topics • Attend our Annual Conference, and meet with other MHT members at this and at any other events we publicise • Have a vote on any issue we put to our membership • Have access to our reports and newsletters • Take part in our surveys and polls about the MHT and members queries • Benefit from the networking and support opportunities MHTMA offers
How can I join MHTMA?
Please read the whole of the About section before you apply. You can apply to to join MHTMA online by following the Join button below. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. Join
About membership fees
Within 2 weeks of your application you will receive via email an invoice for your membership fee, which you can pay by standing order, bank transfer or Paypal using your credit card or card. Because it helps us to minimise our admin costs, we'd prefer you to pay annually by standing order if possible. The fees are as follows: • Legal Restricted Members £58 per year • Legal Non-Restricted Members £46 per year • Medical Members £45 per year • Specialist Lay Members £21 per year • Affiliate Members £20 per year • Retired Members of the MHT can become Associate Members of MHTMA, without voting rights, for a one-off fee of £25.
What happens after you have paid your membership fee
Once you have paid your membership fee, as soon as we can we will activate your membership on the website. You will receive an email which contains a link. The link can only be used once to log in to the website. It will lead you to a page where you can set your password. Please follow the link and change your password as soon as you receive the email - for security reasons, the link will expire 28 days after you receive the email. If the email does not arrive in your inbox within one week of your application to join, please check your spam folder before contacting us. Once you have set your password, you can log in to the website using your Username and Password. Remember, you will not see the members' area of the website if you do not log in.
Eligibility check
We will check with the MHT administration that you are an appointed member of the MHT and therefore eligible to join MHTMA.
About membership renewal
Shortly before the anniversary of the date on which your membership of MHTMA was first confirmed you will receive an invoice for your membership fee for the following year. If you pay your fee by standing order and your membership fee has not changed, the invoice is for your records and you need take no further action. If you pay by cheque or by bank transfer, we'd be grateful if you would make your payment promptly to save us having to issue reminders.
What should I do if my category of MHTMA membership changes?
If you retire from the MHT, or if your status as an MHT member changes in any other way, please contact us as soon as you can.